Bees & Their Honey
Busy as a bee is no understatement. One honeybee’s nectar excursion can include stops to up to 1,500 flowers weighing the bee down with the equivalent of his own weight (approximately 70 milligrams) in nectar. In collecting nectar bee’s inadvertently pollinate plants as they buzz along. Without bees our plants, our crops would be in serious trouble.
Bees pretty much rule the world.
Compared to beets and corn which are high energy and intensive in growth and production; honey is the sweetener with the smallest footprint. In addition, eating organic local honey offers many holistic health benefits. No wonder it has been used as a folk remedy for centuries.
At Pulse Cafe, we recognize that being a conscious consumer of honey means understanding that while a lot of apiculture (bee keeping) does indeed exploit honeybees, choosing responsibly managed local hives helps landscapes to flourish.
Bee wise and thankful to our remarkable, industrious friends the bees!
+Plant flowers and flowering herbs in your garden and yard—just planting flowers in your garden, yard, or in a planter will help provide bees with forage
+Don’t use chemicals and pesticides to treat your lawn or garden—they cause damage to the honeybees systems and can get into the honey, and eventually so into us too
+Bees are thirsty. Put a small basin of fresh water outside your home—flowers and water and the bees will making a bee line for your oasis
+Buy local, organic food from a farmer you know—eating local food help local landscapes flourish
+Understand that honeybees aren’t out to get you—stay calm if a bee lands on you. They can smell the pheromones that comes with fear and anger it can be a trigger for them to sting after which they die! If you don’t get in their way they won’t be in yours
+Buy local, raw honey—buying locally honey that is from hives that are not treat by chemicals sends a message to beekeepers about how they should keep their bees