Cloa's Ark Statement

Dear Pulse Community,

In May of 2018, we were approached with the request for a temporary use of the land facing Pulse Cafe for the housing of a certain number of animals under the care of Cloa’s Ark.

While the conversation included the realization that the land isn’t ideal for sustainable animal care, we believed that Cloa’s Ark core value of compassion towards God's beautiful creatures, aligned with ours and after careful consideration we decided to do what we could to help by extending a one-year lease beginning June 2018, and valid until May 31st, 2019. Our lease was extended to them at no charge and it was our pleasure to cover the cost of their water and electrical needs during the term. In fact, we believed so much in what they were doing that we also added a donation jar inside of Pulse to give our patrons an opportunity to help the mission of Cloa’s Ark. We thought this gesture would help contribute towards any necessities for Cloa’s Ark and help with the preparatory steps of finding another location. We know how hard it can be to relocate and wanted to do all that we could to help ease the burden.

Unfortunately, challenges began to arise quite quickly. Not only surrounding the quality of care i.e. structural inadequacies, animal crowding, fencing dangers, and escaped animals but also on-site monitoring concerns and lack of responsive communication through out these challenges, we remained committed to honoring the term we agreed upon and give Cloa’s Ark the best chance at fulfilling their mission in a sustainable way.

Beginning in March, as an act of courtesy, we gave Cloa’s Ark a reminder of the approaching contract expiration date. Meanwhile the management staff did an assessment of the past eight months with Cloa’s Ark and the challenges that were taking place during the term of our agreement thus far. After a prayerful and professional assessment of the past several months, Pulse Cafe decided that in the best interest of all parties not to renew the contract and to officially notify Cloa’s Ark of our intent in April.

Cloa’s Ark understood and made promises to beginning moving in July, though that didn’t happen. Again, we were promised they would move in September and it still didn’t happen. At each juncture we had to break the long periods of silence with formal inquires in an effort to get some kind of status updates.

Not only was the grace extended not appreciated or their promises honored, we began receiving a growing explicit attitude to not comply and a decided change of tone that included threats if we didn’t allow a continued stay. During this time there was an increase in the number of compassionate Pulse patrons who were voicing quality of care concerns and more than one time almost got animal control involved.

After several target days came and went with only an increase in animals, animal escapes and caught/trapped animals because of size of the enclosure, fencing and structural limitations and at times, just plain old missing guardianship; we concluded we were not only not acting compassionately towards the animals but couldn’t be held responsible for the inadequacies and irresponsibility of Cloa’s Ark.

While we don’t mistrust their intent, the lack of integrity on all fronts, and the abuse of the grace extended, has left us with little choice but to share the facts of the story, because they reveal the breakdown of trust, as well as the impossible position Pulse found themselves in the opportunity we had extended Cloa’s Ark. We have indeed yet again extended a deadline and have offered help in finding homes for the animals if no other solution can be found.

Pulse Cafe’s founding partners and co-founders are 100% believers in the ethical and health movement of a plant-based diet and have dedicated their life's work on this front. That is why we agreed to the temporary solution of lending our land to Cloa’s Ark, and that is also why we cannot consciously enable their misuse of the opportunity and the cost to the animals it represents.

While this situation with Cloa’s Ark has saddened and tried us, it is our wholehearted desire that organizations compassionately and ethically stepping into the gap of need towards animals, will continue to be supported and thrive. We hope that this will be a learning experience for us all and better equip us all to do our part in making positive and sustainable impact in the Pioneer Valley community and beyond.

Please submit any additional questions or comments at

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