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Our Story


100% Plant-Based Goodness

Pulse Cafe brings handcrafted, 100% plant-based goodness to the Pioneer Valley. The Pulse experience celebrates food as both artful and delicious.


Our mission is to highlight and inspire holistic, plant-based wellness that is good for body, mind and spirit!

Did you know that the word PULSE, as used in the old English, is a LATIN DERIVED WORD FOR PLANT FOOD? Yes, you’ve guessed it, we’re about encouraging the plant-based lifestyle. Even if it means just adding more fruits and veggies to your week by providing you a local and delicious choice to experience it in.

Pulse Cafe is privileged to call the Pioneer Valley in Western Massachusetts home. It’s rich agriculture heritage is one we are seeking to leverage as we create products and theme dinners that highlight the abundance in the plant kingdom.

We are closed on Saturday, the Sabbath, in keeping with the legacy of faith of our founders. It encourages the honoring of the rhythm of 6 days of work and one of rest and worship along with a plant-based diet as established at Creation.

We find it fascinating that modern science is highlighting the relationship of an animal-based diet to the modern pattern of disease.

It has also deemed a plant-based diet one of the best ways to increase longevity by preventing, and even reversing lifestyle disease. As well as the better choice to preserve the planet and all its critters.

“What 'Blue Zone' city Loma Linda, California can teach us about living longer” by Nicole Spector (April 3, 2019)


The owner



Owner/ General Manager

Shortly after marriage, Evita received a vegetarian cookbook as a gift. This sparked a new passion for food and eventually a plant-based lifestyle. Combined with her years in business management, meal planning, catering and wellness education. Evita was providentially poised to lead the culinary vision at Pulse Cafe. The unique mix of good-for-you comfort food and international flavors are a legacy of her Latin American heritage as well as her passion for plant-based excellence. Pulse Cafe is a fruition of her, and her family’s dedication, and showcases her heart for inspiring your own wellness journey.